Are you ready to get super creative? Think totally outside the box? You have arrived at the right place. The “ 10 Actions Steps To Discover Your soulmate” is just what your mind ordered.
1. Go to places where your soulmate might be.
2. Picture you and your soulmate having dinner, making love, traveling together and having a conversation.
3, Speak as if your soulmate is already in your presence.
4. Gratitude – Give thanks for your soulmate everyday.
5. Have faith. Believe that your soulmate exists.
6. Write down stories that you and your soulmate experience together. Use your imagination to the fullest.
7. Ask your ancestors to assist you in discovering your soulmate.
8. Feng Shui(art of sacred interior design) your living space to attract your soulmate.
9 Drink about 6 cups of water a day. Why? It increases your psychic power, intuition is stronger and your dreams are easier to remember.
10. Feel the joy and love emanating from your soulmate. Imagine the feelings that your soulmate would generate being in your presence.
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